Surgery of ears
Paracentesis with suction (perforation of eardrum during middle ear infection)
This procedure is performed at our clinic under local anaesthesia. The procedure takes 10 minutes. Paracentesis is recommended for patients with a hearing impairment related to a malfunction of the Eustachian tube, for patients with secretion in the middle ear during acute or recurring middle ear infection or with latent mastoiditis.
Laser myringotomy (perforation of eardrum and suction of secretion in the middle ear)
During this laser treatment we create a small perforation in the eardrum and drain all pathological content of the middle ear. The procedure is a compromise between the perforation of eardrum, which heals within two days, but is fairly stressful for the child, and the insertion of ventilation tubes (grommet) that restrict the ability to swim in summer. Following laser myringotomy the child can swim after the perforation is healed, in about 14 days. The procedure is performed under general inhalation anaesthesia without intubation.
Insertion of grommets (ventilation tubes) into ears
This procedure is performed mainly with children who suffer from insufficient ventilation function of the auditory Eustachian tube. Children frequently suffer from middle ear infection and they have to have their eardrums perforated at emergency as often as once a month. Insertion of the ventilation grommet allows ventilation of the middle ear area and its draining into the ear canal. The grommet is from an inert material well tolerated by the child‘s eardrum. For subtle infections we use grommets from fluoroplastic polymer, titanium, gold or silicone that spontaneously fall out. With serious infections we insert Armstrong T-tubes that do not fall out. The procedure is performed under short inhalation anaesthesia and takes five minutes per ear. This procedure also helps prevent complications related to middle ear infections such as inflammation of the meninges and spreading of the infection from the middle ear to the cranial bone (mastoiditis), which has in the past led to operations on children.
Myringoplasty (seaming of eardrum perforation)
The seaming of the eardrum is achieved with plastic surgery. The procedure is indicated at post-traumatic perforations or with perforations that did not heal spontaneously after middle ear infection. This causes hearing impairment and exposure of the middle ear to outer infections. Myringoplasty closes the perforation and subsequently the middle ear cavity, resulting in improved hearing. The perforation is covered by a pellicle (membrane) from the temple muscle. The procedure lasts 20 minutes in general intubation anaesthesia.
Auricle skin lesion excision (removal)
If you notice outgrowth, warts or small tumours on the auricle, come to us for an examination. It is always better to remove those so they are not exposed to unnecessary sunshine, which only increases the possible risk of cancer occurrence. All excisions are sent for histological examination to determine the character of the finding.
Auditory canal exostoses (Surfer’s Ear) removal
Exostoses is the occurrence of bone spurs in the ear canal that cause a narrowed ear canal and hinder hearing and spontaneous evacuation of ear wax. In some cases they lead to chronic ear canal infection. We remove them by using a micro-milling machine under short general anaesthesia under a microscope.
prim. MUDr. Tomáš Fořt
Expert guarantor
As. MUDr. Jiří Skřivan, CSc.
ENT dept. FN Motol
Expert guarantor
Insurance companies
Currently we have contracts with these insurance companies: