Absence of doctors 05/24

Absence of doctors in May 2024.
MUDr. Taimrová will be absent 02.05.-12.05.
MUDr. Kameníková will be absent 09.05., 13.05.
MUDr. Franeková will be absent 03.05., 06.05.-09.05.
MUDr. Fořt will be absent from 09.05., 16.05., 23.05.

MUDr. Svobodová will be absent 10.05.
MUDr. Franeková will be absent 03.05., 06.05.-09.05.
MUDr. Hornáčková will be absent 09.05.-10.05., 30.05-31.05.

Dr. Korkina will be absent 09.05.-10.05.
MUDr. Vrla will be absent from 09.05.-31.05.

Admission of acute patients will be limited at all branches.
We apologize for any complications and thank you for your understanding.

Absence of doctors 04/2024

Absence of doctors in April 2024.
MUDr. Taimrová will be absent 03.04-04.04.
MUDr. Svobodová will be absent 03.04.
MUDr. Choudhary will be absent 09.04.-10.04.
MUDr. Fořt on 25.04. will be in the operating room instead of the ambulance

MUDr. Hornáčková will be absent 11.04.-12.04.
MUDr. Černochová will be absent 08.04.

We apologize for any complications and thank you for your understanding.

Dr. Svobodová 25/03

Due to extraordinary reasons, Dr. Svobodová will not be present on March 25. Acute patients will be received by Dr. Černochová until capacity is exhausted. Thank you for your understanding.

Absence of doctors 03/2024

Absence of doctors in March 2024

MUDr. Kateřina Sýbová will be absent 01.03.-06.03
MUDr. Nadeem A. Choudhary will be on 11.03. until 11:30
MUDr. Taimrová will be on 14.03 until 13:00, on 21.03. until 14:30

MUDr. Hornáčková will be absent 01.03.
MUDr. Kateřina Sýbová will be absent 01.03.-06.03

Dr. Korkina will be absent 04.03.-07.03.

We apologize for any complications and thank you for your understanding.

Absence of doctors 02/2024

Absence of doctors in February 2024.
MUDr. Tomáš Fořt will be absent 08.02., 19.02.-23.02., 29.02.
MUDr. Petra Kameníková will be absent 12.02.
MUDr. Kateřina Sýbová will be absent 20.02.-06.03
MUDr. Michaela Řešátková will be absent 13.02.-26.02.

We apologize for any complications and thank you for your understanding.

Dr. Svobodová 6.2.

Dr. Svobodová will be present on 6 February from 10:00. The entire department will open at 10:00.
Acute patients can contact our Kartouzská or Modřany branches. Patients are kindly requested to contact the respective branches by phone first.
We apologize for the complications and thank you for your understanding.

Dr. Novák

From January 2024 MUDr. Novák will temporarily not be practicing at the Budějovická branch, we will inform you about his return. Thank you for your understanding.